Does Grip Spritz work on your hands?

Will Grip Spritz give sweaty hands a better grip?

We've been getting more and more comments and questions asking if Grip Spritz would work on their hands the way it works on their basketball shoes.

Much like dusty basketball courts, sweaty hands are super common. This can lead to unforced turnovers, missed shots, and a whole bunch of less-than-ideal things on the basketball court.

Grip Spritz has solved slippery basketball shoes due to dusty courts, but will it work on your hands? Let's find out!

Hand Grip Sprays

If you struggle with sweaty hands and have looked for a fix, there are a handful of products designed specifically for this. They're all over Amazon.

For your hands to have a better grip on the basketball, these sprays are going to dry them out! Which makes sense, right? Less moisture, better grip on the ball.

They dry your hands out by using denatured alcohol and rosin. The alcohol dries out your hands and the rosin makes them more tacky, a bit sticky.

For your hands, that's perfect!

Would that work on your shoes, too?

Absolutely not! 

First, the denatured alcohol is incredibly harmful to rubber. So, the soles of your expensive basketball shoes. In the same way, that it dries out your hands, it will dry out the rubber. After using it a few times, the alcohol will dry out, deteriorate, and erode the rubber soles to the point that they are even more slippery than they originally were.

Next, mix in the rosin! Your shoes are cooked. Rosin is boiled down pine-sap. Baseball players use it in place of pine tar, it's sticky! Take a look at any basketball court you play on, odds are it's covered in dust.

Now your basketball shoes are sticky, they're picking up the dust on the court, so you apply more and more, and more. In the meantime, alcohol is drying out the basketball shoe soles. 

Now you've just ruined your shoes.

So, does Grip Spritz work on your hands?

No, it doesn't. We don't use rosin. We don't use alcohol.

Too many products try to be too many things. If you look at those Amazon listings for the "hand grip sprays", they'll all mention how you can use them to increase basketball shoe traction. In reality, it's just going to ruin your shoes. 

So we don't try to. We also don't tell anyone we do.

We actually point athletes in the direction of certain hand grip sprays if they ask us about solving sweaty hands.

All the hand sprays you see on Amazon come from one factory in China. It's all the same formula, just marketed and packaged differently. Each bottle looks the same, you can tell just by looking at the listings.

There's nothing wrong with that, either! It's great to keep prices competitive and market to specific sports. But, that doesn't make them an appropriate or safe fix for your basketball shoes. They'll never mention that, however.

We have to talk about the differences on our end, though. Not because players keep asking about solving sweaty hands. We have to talk about it because Grip Spritz, unfortunately, gets lumped in with them. 

They ruin a pair of your expensive basketball shoes, players, coaches, and parents, assume we're the same thing.

So remember, if it's for your shoes, it's not for your hands. If it's for your hands, it's not for your shoes. Anyone saying otherwise is happily ruining your basketball shoes just to make a quick $13.

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